Saturday, March 7, 2009

Projects Past... Back to haunt... And fill!

Hey everyone,
I dusted off a copy of NFS: Most Wanted today. Found that I had the "Black Edition" with a schweeeet making of DVD in it! So I fire it up. Oooo... It has the promo video that was shot during the Actors' Guild strike... You know what that means? That means that people throughout the studio did the voice work and stood in as characters at that point!

Now for the early promo, my friend Carlo did the gravel voice over of the bottom ranked "Black List" racer... They should have kept Carlo instead of going with a much less menacing "Professional". (If anyone knows Carlo... Well he projects "Professional" in a hitman sort of way. ;)

Anyways, on that disc was a collection of some of my designs for that game... so snap snap snap... I capped some images, and cleaned em up a bit in PS.

Here they be:

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