Saturday, June 25, 2011

Learning CSS, and sifting through work for pieces to post!

Hey guys and gals!

Just another quick update, I've started to get reaquainted with CSS (Cascading Style Sheets for those who aren't dev'ing web content). Also, I'm sifting through artwork to post up here and on the redesigned site!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Back to it then!

Hey gang,

It's been a long time (Try a YEAR) since blogging... But I have a great excuse! Transitioning from the now defunct "True Crime: Hong Kong" to the in production Need For Speed "The Run".

My time on this production is starting to wind down, so I'll be getting back up to date with blogging, updating the folio site, and maybe adding a twitter account? Who knows.

So much has changed!!!